Hi, I’m Katie Donovan.

I help people who experience promotion and pay gaps get jobs, manage their careers, and negotiate their pay to help end pay and promotion gaps.

My Approach

Insider Knowledge

I used to support employers hiring at a hiring firm, applicant tracking company, and professional trade association. I know the difference between what they say and what they mean. I know how to get around, over, and through the hurdles experienced by most job candidates and employees.

Translator and Script Writer

You know what to do but are not sure what to say when networking, interviewing, and negotiating. You aren’t alone. Much of what I do is translate what you want to say or ask into something that moves the conversation to getting you hired, promoted, and paid better.

Experienced & Established

Our Services

  • Your Story

    Marketing yourself for new jobs, promotions, and raises requires you to tailor your story to your audience. Before you write your resume, your LinkedIn profile, or even start informational interviews and networking, you need to know your story. I’ll take you from tons of disjointed facts about your work history to a compelling story with an arc that will engage your current and future bosses.

  • Job Search

    First job, promotion, new industry, career re-entry follow the same process of tapping into your professional community (aka networking), applying to posted jobs, and professionally breaking a few rules. I’ll work with you to devise a plan with daily activities, key people and organizations, and outreach templates.

  • Negotiate

    Negotiation is a dance. You can take the lead or follow. As candidate you are expected to follow but when done with knowledge you will know what the employer’s next step is and your move throughout. Understanding the offer fully is the first step to negotiation. I’ll review the offer with you to ensure there are no uncertainties about it. Next is determining the goals of the negotiation based on your needs and the market. Finally, we’ll script your response to the offer and prepare for the inevitable back and forth.

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